New project:

So! I have a new project underway,

Unlike many solutions, this one started with a problem. My partner teaches parenting courses, each comprised of multiple workshops. Each workshop can be at a different price and vary in number of places available. Any prospective system would also need to provide a reservation system whereby a place is reserved for say, 8 minutes while a student completes her booking.

Eventbrite provides registration-locking, but the Eventbrite model is based on events, many people at a specific location and time at perhaps a few different pricepoints (tickets). Like a concert or sports event. It lacks the ability to setup multiple classes per event or have per-class availability & pricing.

Wouldn't it be nice if there was something designed specifically for the needs of small classes? For parenting workshops, yoga classes, dance practice, martial arts training, etc?

CourseMonger allows you to create courses comprised of multiple classes. Each class can have its own title and optional description, spaces available, price and start and finish times.

Once created, your course can be distributed to students as a single course registration page listing all the classes you run.

Give it a try! Email me directly with suggested features or bugs using, I'd love to hear from you.